
Spot|DSE wrote on 12/19/2004, 11:29 AM
Find VASST DVD products at this link.
You'll find the best deal at VideoGuys on the "Introducing Vegas" and "Introducing DVD Architect".

You can also find my DVD's from Class on Demand, with the followup to that series from Tim Duncan and Edward Troxel at, and Gary Kleiner's DVDs at
bolt wrote on 12/19/2004, 1:36 PM
thx. thats great. will order from there. cheers.

oh by the way - in order for the dual monitor option or external view on monitor to work within vegas can you recommend any type of graphics card? matrox 100??
Spot|DSE wrote on 12/19/2004, 1:38 PM
We use the Matrox 550's and Parhelia's here, but there are other cards that work great, I'm sure.