question about markers and editing

dwhopson wrote on 12/10/2004, 9:43 PM

I am still learning Vegas 5 and have a question about markers....

I know how to put in general project time line markers that stay constant to the time line.....

I know how to put in cd track and index markers.....

But what I don't know how to do is put a marker in an audio track/segment that will stay in constant relation to the material of the track/segment when it is moved.......

Any suggestions?

I know some of you are wondering why I need this function....I edit a lot of classical music that is mixed to two-tracks before editing. Having audio track/segment consistant marks (instead of project time line consistant marks) allows me to place a mark at my target editing positions on both tracks and then align these marks, cross-fade, and then (if everything is in cosmic balance) have an undetectable edit with up to 64th note accuracy.

Currently, I can use a regular time line marker on one of the two tracks (and keep it stationary)...but then getting the second track aligned can be a little tricky without having the physical mark available for visual alignment. Sometimes this method takes a little "fudging" of one or both edit points to get a clean edit...and without seeing the exact becomes time consuming to fine-tune edits.

Please tell me this is possible in Vegas.....

What other type techniques are you other editors using for this type audio editing? I know there as a many different techniques as there are editors.....just curious if there is another method that works better/more efficiently.

Thanks for you reply!


pwppch wrote on 12/11/2004, 6:28 AM
Edit the media/even in the trimmer.
Drop a marker there, and then save the markers.

A 'maker" will then appear with in the event and be absolute to the point in the underlying media.


MarkWWW wrote on 12/11/2004, 7:10 AM
Ah, Peter, that reminds me of a question I keep meaning to ask and always forget:

Is it possible (in a future version of Vegas) that the snapping to markers feature could also apply to markers embedded in the underlying media (i.e. those inserted using the trimmer)?

I'm often adding explosions, etc, to other soundtrack material and when doing this one typically wants to align a particular point in the explosion file (usually the peak, but not always) to a specific place in the background audio/video. On most of my sound effects files I have already inserted a marker at the salient point and it would be splendid if one could just mark the place in the background audio/video on the timeline, add the effect event to a new track, and then drag it so that the marker in the file caused the event to snap to the exact place required to sync the bang (or whatever) to the flash (or whatever).

One can achieve this kind of snapping by adjusting the "Snap Offset" point (the little white triangle that by default is located at the bottom left corner of an event, for anyone who hasn't come across this before) so that it matches the point of interest in the effect file, but it would be much nicer if the internal marker(s) snapped to the timeline markers.

dwhopson wrote on 12/11/2004, 9:59 AM
OK....that makes sense....I had forgotten about the trimmer and markers that could be put in at that level.

Great...that should solve my issue.

pwppch wrote on 12/11/2004, 3:44 PM
One can achieve this kind of snapping by adjusting the "Snap Offset" point (the little white triangle that by default is located at the bottom left corner of an event, for anyone who hasn't come across this before) so that it matches the point of interest in the effect file, but it would be much nicer if the internal marker(s) snapped to the timeline markers.

This would be my suggestion. I don't know of a way to have the snap apply to internal markers.