DHR 1000

membyrog wrote on 11/11/2004, 5:14 AM
I have a Sony DHR 1000 that is notrecognined by Vegas on the play buttons. I can manually capture movie or image. My capture card is Matrox RX.100 Extreme.
I have verified through Device Manager that Image Device sees the Sony Deck. Has anyone else had this problem. I also edit with Adobe Premiere on the same P4 Dual Processor.

Thanks in advance!



ScottW wrote on 11/11/2004, 6:10 AM
Do you have device control enabled in Vegas capture? t's one of the option settings.
membyrog wrote on 11/11/2004, 6:53 AM
Yes I do, that will let me record manually.

GaryKleiner wrote on 11/11/2004, 9:34 AM
Is the Matrox card a firewire device, or are you going in via analog?

Simon Page wrote on 11/12/2004, 6:01 AM
Have you recently installed SP2? SP2 completely messed up capturing from my DHR1000 but other devices worked OK i.e. DSR-11. There is a driver problem.

Uninstall SP2 and you should get it back again.

Simon Page.
Stany wrote on 11/12/2004, 7:52 AM
You can find the answer in the Vegas Knowledgebase (article ID=1133, do a search on SP 2)

membyrog wrote on 11/14/2004, 5:16 AM
Hi Gary,
The card is both Firewire and Analog. Both are hooked up.