Alternative choices to After Effects pro (or are there no really good ones)

FrigidNDEditing wrote on 10/30/2004, 11:27 AM
I'm looking at after effects pro, but am glued to vegas for editing. Are there any suggestions that are similar to after effects that have more compatibility to vegas, or is after effects the best one out there. (Not overly familiar with any one software for graphic design, like photoshop etc...) Thanks for any input



kentwolf wrote on 10/30/2004, 1:57 PM
Boris Red is not only a Vegas plug-in, but has several features that AE does, and some things that AE doesn't. Also, AE has things Red doesn't.

I do not know AE, but that is what I have read from people who have both.

I have been using Boris Red 3GL very successfully.
stormstereo wrote on 10/30/2004, 2:11 PM
If you're looking at RED 3GL be prepared for a quite steep learning curve. I'd recommend to get a tutorial DVD and a good book or maybe even attend a training seminar.

Then again, AE is not that easy to learn either.

PH125 wrote on 10/30/2004, 3:30 PM
Try combustion. I have it and love it.
BJ_M wrote on 10/30/2004, 4:12 PM
i like shake and digital fusion for what i would use AE for most of the time ..

PeterWright wrote on 10/31/2004, 7:40 PM
Depends what effects you want to achieve. You didn't say what you want to do.

Some of the composting or other work previously done with AE or other progs can now be done in Vegas, but some cannot.
BrianStanding wrote on 11/1/2004, 7:43 AM
Wax 2.0 ( will give you some of the capability of AE, at a great price (free!) -- and it plugs into Vegas.

I use an old (4.1) version of AE sometimes for 2D animations, just because of AE's nested composition feature and keyframe assistants. If Vegas ever gets nested timelines, I may be able to do everything in Vegas instead.