confused about wireless mics...

Red96TA wrote on 10/22/2004, 10:23 PM
I read the thread that was around about 2 weeks ago about wireless mics for doing weddings (which is where I'm headed in about 3 months) and would like to know a little more about them...

I'm looking at an Audio Tehcnica ATW-201-L lavalier mic set and can pick up a set for about $125. What are your experiences with this mic set? Is it recommended for weddings/low end work/high end work/???

Right now, I'm using a JVC GR-DV500 for all of my shooting until I pick up a 3ccd cam when the taxes get back. The JVC has a 1/8" mic-in jack on it...will the ATW-201 just plug right in, or will I need to do some 'jack converting'?

Lastly, an OT post within my OT post. I'm planning on picking up a Canon GL2 in February. As we all know, it's a 3ccd cam, but the ccd's are something like 460k current JVC has a single 1/4"ccd at 1660k pxl's or somesuch...wouldn't that make the picture quality on my JVC better? What should I be looking for in a new cam?



Spot|DSE wrote on 10/22/2004, 10:49 PM
The ATW 201 will be acceptable for short distance work in areas relatively free of RF noise.
The 201 will plug straight into your cam, GL2 or JVC.
The GL will appear MUCH nicer than the GR. Each CCD is doing less work, focused on one specific task, and is of a higher quality.
Red96TA wrote on 10/22/2004, 11:20 PM
Thanks Spot!!! Took care of everything in one post. If the 201 is 'acceptable', what do you recommend for 'good'? When you say it's acceptable, will it do most wedding related stuff, or should I look at something different.

StefanS wrote on 10/23/2004, 8:10 PM
Great camera, though been out for a while now. Canon offering a $250 cash back until Jan 31 2005. Guess there might be an upgrade on offer, thereabouts.
rextilleon wrote on 10/23/2004, 8:31 PM
Red---it would be helpful if you gave us an idea of budget.
Spot|DSE wrote on 10/23/2004, 9:55 PM
We use the AT100 with the 899 mic on it.
Lotsa people seem to really like the G2, but when it was sent to me for review, I chose not to review it for reasons my mother taught me about.
Then I ran into the G2 at a trade show and training event. I was still not impressed.
I love the Lectrosonic stuff, but it's pricey.
Samson also has some good gear, but frankly, I like the cost and reliability of most all the AT stuff.