
BrianStanding wrote on 10/18/2004, 2:19 PM
Whoa... cool! I like the idea of being able to use one gadget to do multiple things, rather than a specialized device for each application.

Actually it looks more advanced than Star Trek... more like "Minority Report." Grazie, you paying attention here?
Nat wrote on 10/18/2004, 3:10 PM
Vegas doesn't support OSC, bu writing an OSC-MIDI app is very simple.

Beware, the jazz mutant will be very expensive and the resolution is only 128*100 which is really weird...
MUTTLEY wrote on 10/18/2004, 8:59 PM

That looks badazz. Hope they tweak it for Vegas, couldnt find a cost on the thing though.

- Ray
Coursedesign wrote on 10/19/2004, 12:41 PM
The rez is better than that of my fingertips :O)

stormstereo wrote on 10/19/2004, 2:55 PM
Looks like something for a new Kraftwerk music vid.