Why is MB so freaking slow???

Red96TA wrote on 10/10/2004, 12:04 AM
You would think that for the price, MB would work MUCH faster than it really does. I tried the bleach bypass filter on my 80 minute project and when it came down to rendering, it's like the render times fell into a black hole. Do the folks at MB plan on releasing a streamlined, faster version or are we all stuck with 100+ hour render times?

Anybody know color corrector 'recipes' that look the same as MB looks without the MB render times?


Grazie wrote on 10/10/2004, 12:19 AM
Bullet? Wanna rename it? I have . . . Grazie
Barry_Green wrote on 10/10/2004, 1:26 AM
Anybody know color corrector 'recipes' that look the same as MB looks without the MB render times?
Yes. David Jimerson, over at DVXUser.com, has replicated the Magic Bullet looks specifically in Vegas. He gets render times 9x faster than Magic Bullet, and the look is *extremely similar*.
Grazie wrote on 10/10/2004, 1:59 AM
Can't find Jim's settings? You got them? Please post here ..

winrockpost wrote on 10/10/2004, 7:17 AM
With ya grazie, I keep hearing you can dup the looks with combo of vegas fx and zenote,
but yet to see a recipe
MB painfully slow, just about unusable slow,,, but sure looks good
I still use old cinelook in AE if i need a film type look.
farss wrote on 10/10/2004, 8:37 AM
Vegas ships with a number of presets in the Color Curves that the experts say pretty closely matches Kodak film stock numbers.

How come though no one mentions the only authentic way to get that film look?

And here's another thought, it can't be that long before we see the end of film, digital projection is starting to take hold and there's several 'video' cameras that seem to look pretty close to film. As the next generation grows up they will not perceive what we call 'the film look' in the same light as we do. What will they think of our efforts to mimic the technical limitations of one medium in another that doesn't have them?

Maybe one day I'll find a forum where the Hollywood DOPs hang out and ask them how to make 35mm look like DV, should get a good laugh.

stormstereo wrote on 10/10/2004, 9:44 AM
Hey Grazie,
Link to Jim's thread. He want's money for the VEG's. I can't see his example stills, maybe you can?


epirb wrote on 10/10/2004, 9:46 AM
epirb wrote on 10/10/2004, 9:46 AM
epirb wrote on 10/10/2004, 9:47 AM
epirb wrote on 10/10/2004, 9:47 AM
Red96TA wrote on 10/10/2004, 10:28 AM
For Epic War Light:

Vegas Color Corrector settings:
Low: angle:134.5 magnatidue0.340
Mid: A:132.0 M:0.422
High: A:137.5 M:0.474

Saturation: 0.444
Gamma: 1.129
Gain: 0.926
Offset: 0.0

Well...that seems to be getting CLOSE, but not perfect.
epirb wrote on 10/10/2004, 10:30 AM
Actually my plan was to post each one of those reponses after someone else's post's , but then that would have taken as long as a MB render... ; )
Speaking of MB, does any one know if there is any other plugs or even in Vegas to get that Bleach Bypass look?
farss wrote on 10/10/2004, 2:28 PM
Color Curves rather than Color Correction might work better.
PeterWright wrote on 10/10/2004, 6:09 PM
Good post Bob

John Cline made similar comments in another thread - that early photographers had to strive to make their pictures look like paintings, because that's what people were used to seeing.

Similarly, early motor cars retained features from horse drawn carriages.

- such is the nature of progress.

Spot|DSE wrote on 10/10/2004, 7:34 PM
howzabout Magic Sludge?
Their customer service surely could use a kick in the pants too.
farss wrote on 10/11/2004, 7:06 AM
I think the language says it all:
Horseless Carriage
Moving Pictures

Twice in the last week two people have tried to convince me that all things digital were 'dehumanising' which is odd. All the communications paths from our sensory organs to our brains are digital, so analogue is further from human experience than digital.
And then someone else tried to tell me motion blur was 'natural', we see fast moving objects with blur?

Randy Brown wrote on 10/11/2004, 7:08 AM
What will they think of our efforts to mimic the technical limitations of one medium in another that doesn't have them?
Well put Bob...LOL

EDIT: Twice in the last week two people have tried to convince me that all things digital were 'dehumanising' which....

even better
FuTz wrote on 10/11/2004, 7:11 AM

From the moment you go "fromat C:/", you know you don't have to re-install ... maybe when P6 15.4MHz exists...

Otherwise, how about "Bag it Mullet" ?