
Liam_Vegas wrote on 10/8/2004, 2:02 PM
I don't know.. but it would be cool if you could.

I sometimes need MULTIPLE markers (or region) sets for a single project so what I do is export the markers/regions to a TXT file and then load whichever one I want to use.

This same approach can be used to temporarily wipe out the markes and then to re-load them in. It takes a small number of clicks to do this... so it is not all that troublesome to do this.
johnmeyer wrote on 10/8/2004, 2:16 PM
You can use the Edit Details view (show markers) to see all the markers in a spreadsheet format. You can click on the upper left corner of this view (where the row and columns intersect) to select the entire region and then press Ctrl-X to cut it. All the markers disappear. Click on that same area again and press Ctrl-V to paste them back.

If you want to "stash" them somewhere for awhile, you can paste them into a spreadsheet. When you're ready to restore, copy all the data (but not the header row) from Excel, select the entire area in the Vegas Edit Details window, and press Ctrl-V to paste.

Not exactly a "hide/show" button, but it will work.

I suppose this could be scripted ...
GaryKleiner wrote on 10/8/2004, 7:20 PM
Cant hide the markers per se, but you CAN change the lines that extend down into the timeline.

F8 makes them dashed lines instead of solid, and if you set it in preferences and uncheck Always show markerlines, F8 will toggle them off.

Marton wrote on 1/31/2013, 2:02 AM
Be aware, F8 switch between snapping enable/disable too!

I also like to hide markers, but the "always show markerlines" checkbox do nothing in my V11. Lines are dashed or not, but dont disappear.
I found two settings at the internal preferences:
show markers and show media markers. But if i change it to FALSE, restart Vegas, markers will be still there.
So what's the meaning of these settings exactly?