A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

Skywatcher wrote on 9/24/2004, 3:30 PM
Hey everybody!

Went out Tuesday and tore back 37 of 'em (not including tax) for the Star Wars Trilogy on DVD. I'm 40 now and still love these three movies. It was a real thrill to sit with my 5-year old daughter and explain it to her as my father "attempted" to do with me nearly 30 years ago.

Isn't it amazing to see the camera quality, lighting and FX that blew our young minds so long ago. It is equally amazing to know that many of us perform these same "Effects" from our home studios with little effort at all.

Here's to STAR WARS being the movie that Paradine-shifted the industry into a whole new realm...Rock on George Lucas...rock on!

(No relation to Skywalker)


Trichome wrote on 9/24/2004, 4:20 PM
Skywatcher wrote on 9/24/2004, 5:56 PM
...never was much at spelling.
michael_morlan wrote on 9/25/2004, 11:11 AM
Yes, Rock On George Lucas, for managing to create a sci-fi, B-movie that capitalized on Joseph Campbell's "Hero of a Thousand Faces", the Hero's Journey, and countless new innovations in visual effects technology. It truly tapped into our society's need for a new popular myth.

And, To Hell with George Lucas, for not leaving well enough alone! He should stop meddling with his original work! I guess he doesn't have any original ideas left. All he can do is re-hash the old. One word:


With one word, Lucas destroyed the pseudo-Far-Eastern mythology that surrounded the Jedi and made them special. He destroyed the "Power of Myth" that made Star Wars great.
mbelli wrote on 9/25/2004, 4:18 PM

Dude, The Star Wars Trilogy DVD just raked in 117 million and it just got released.

You're talking big bucks for this guy -- I'd rehash old ideas too if I could make that kind of coin from them.

An you know what, three years down the road, he'll release a special High Definition Blue Ray DVD Star Wars Trilogy set, with even more digtal tweaks and changes -- and it'll make another 200 million bucks all over again!!!

Just wish guys like Lucas would put some money back into an industry that made them all that money in the first place. Where was he when Orson Welles needed help -- or young filmmakers all over the world are trying desperately to make it, in an industry that's so competitive only a few are fortunate enough to even make a living at it!

I'm not saying Lucas hasn't done stuff to help, but man, Lucas, Spielberg, now even Mel Gibson -- they could all do a little more. That's a lot of freaken money!!!!

PeterWright wrote on 9/25/2004, 6:25 PM
Depite the overall entertainment, the thing I found weak about Star Wars, and many other sci-fi efforts, is that despite being set in the future with all sorts of amazing weaponry, the characters still finish up dashing across corridors somehow dodging "bullets", just like the good old westerns.
prairiedogpics wrote on 9/25/2004, 7:40 PM
Say what you will about hiis storytelling abillity and modifications to the originals, the digital transfer on these DVDs is absolutely stunning. Second to none, and worth every penny.