
bgc wrote on 9/8/2004, 3:43 PM
I always always keep it under 0dB.
If you drive it harder, you ARE clipping the output and causing distortion, whether you hear it or not.
If you want to hit the master buss harder and not clip the output put a compressor or limiter on the master buss.
Steinberg Magneto is a good tool as well.
Foreverain4 wrote on 9/8/2004, 3:55 PM
i heard somewhere that many audio software companies make an allowance for overdriving the master buss. do not know if this is true with sony. they make actual 0 at like +3 or something like that....
JTelles wrote on 9/8/2004, 7:32 PM
I have been told (I never try to go over 0) that if you send the files to a Mastering House or even if you add extra compression later, the distortion will be more and more evidently heard...
bgc wrote on 9/8/2004, 8:49 PM
Nope, Sony makes 0 dB = 0 dB. You can check for yourself.
Render a project at different levels. You'll start to see clipping as the level goes over 0 dB.