VCR through TRV-250?

Rogueone wrote on 8/22/2004, 7:00 PM
For some reason, whenever I capture video from my VCR with Vegas, I always end with fairly large AVI's. Unlike the captured footage from my camcorder, which averages at 13 GB/hour, anything capture from my VCR ends up being almost 30 GB/hour. So I tried hooking up my VCR to my TRV-250 camcorder, to use as a pass-through. However, I can't see anything on my camcorder or my PC when the VCR plays. I've got the camcorder set to 'VCR' mode. Now, my camcorder port says A/V Out on it, so does that mean that it's out only and not in? Or is there a step that I'm missing? I've looked through my menu options on the cam and can't seem to find anything to help. Is my camcorder just not made to accept a signal In?


rs170a wrote on 8/22/2004, 8:01 PM
Read the answers in the thread titled Ext Mon through Digital8? just below yours and try the suggestions he was offered - as well as his fix for it. Yours is an entry-level camera though and may not offer this feature. Check your manual to be sure.

randy-stewart wrote on 8/22/2004, 10:24 PM
I'm not sure but I don't think the -250 has pass through. When I looked at Circuit City the other day, the -350 was the first level that had it. I have a TRV-120 with pass through but not all of the new handycams have it. Can you return it for an upgrade to the 350?
cworld29 wrote on 8/23/2004, 5:15 PM
I've had this problem with the TRV 350. When I try to reconnect to the device I get a quick flash of video then the blue screen again.

In the Vegas capture window go to options>prefferences. Uncheck the "enable DV Device box". This fixes it for me.

When DV device is selected it is looking for video from the camera itself.
Hope this solves your problem.
Rogueone wrote on 8/23/2004, 8:02 PM
Thanks for the replies. I'll have to work with it. No, unfortunately I can't return the camcorder for an upgrade because I bought it back in February online. No place for an exchange. I don't even know if can handle it, I realize it is a cheaper model in the series. I was just wondering if it could. But it would certainly be nice!