DCR-HC1000 4ch sound will work with vegs 5.0?

ambient66 wrote on 8/19/2004, 3:50 PM
i need to know iwhen a recording of audio in 4 ch sound and video done with the DCR-HC1000 using the optinal ECMCQP1 mic....will vegas 5.0 reconise it? i know it recognies 2 chanell sound, but with this new camcorder, and recodring in 4 channels........will vegas 5.0 understand it and be able to read all 4 channels and show them on the time line? thus allowing me to render in 5.1 ??? please contact me at ambient67@yahoo.com if u know the answer , and thanks


farss wrote on 8/20/2004, 4:13 PM
Directly no, the HC1000 can record 4 channels at 12/32K, it's not the only camera that can do this but it's not considered a good way to be recording audio in the field. If you want to bring such footage into Vegas Scenalyser can do it. Once captured Vegas will cope with it just fine.
