Increasing crashes in Vegas 5b

donaldh606 wrote on 8/6/2004, 2:15 PM
Anyone experiencing more crashes than usual since updating to ver. 5b?

Since updating it crashed regularly, whereas version 5a almost never crashed. Happens on opening and making changes to the multi-track mostly.

Am I the only one that has about had it with the product?

A now very unhappy Vegas user.


dd_unger wrote on 8/6/2004, 3:14 PM
try vegas 3.0c (the more solid vegas version).

I posted about this here:

of course you get the typical 'it's your system" replies, but they aren't understanding my comparison between v3c and v4 on up.

What i would like to see is Sony\SF look into a new build focusing on achieving the same v3c stability and performance for the later versions.
Worried about the new SONY and these apps in terms of this.
datman wrote on 8/8/2004, 3:38 PM
I'm sure this has nothing to do with your problem but my computer started crashing and it seemed to be from sound forge 6.0. after a long time and alot of failed fixes I checked the cpu temp after the crashes it was about 170 f pretty hot. I pulled off the fan and the cooling fins on the heat sync where full of dust. never crashed since.

it's worth a look

donaldh606 wrote on 8/10/2004, 9:20 AM
I appreciate the reply. I did check and no cpu heating problem. As it goes I experience system crashes only when using Vegas 5B. I gotta say as updates go it's a real stinker. I long for the days of old when Sonic Foundry was a solo company and not part of a giant company that's in it for the money. Just my opinion, I could be wrong. Then again I work for a living.
