Mackie Control

plyall wrote on 5/2/2004, 11:12 AM
Folks -

I fired up my Mackie Control (1.1) this morning and so far it seems to work very slickly - at least for those functions I can figure out.

Does anybody know what the mappings are from the Mackie Control (classic) are? I read in the manual that Mackie may have an overlay for Vegas. Does anyone know if the Mackie Control Universal and the Mackie Control 1.x mappings are the same?


pwppch wrote on 5/2/2004, 1:01 PM
Yes, they are the same, though officially we only support the Mackie Control Universal with the 2.x firmware.

We will be posting a PDF of the overlay to the manual pages, as it is taking a bit more time to get the overlay available from Mackie.

plyall wrote on 5/2/2004, 5:49 PM
Wonderful news - can we have a sneak peek? I spent most of the morning doing trial and error tests to see what did what. So far I have the following (using the native Mackie buttons):

F1 - F9 - Goto Markers


<FRM - Insert Marker

FRM> - Insert Region

PI - In point for region

PO - Out point for region

PAN - shows AUDIO VU meters (cool!)

FLIP - as expected

EDIT - go from AUDIO faders to video FADERS

LOOP - loops between PI and PO points

plyall wrote on 5/3/2004, 11:28 AM
Folks -

Here's the response I got from Mackie when I tried to order the VEGAS lexan overlay for the Mackie Control:

Hi, Pete!

I have received your request for the Sony Vegas 5.0 lexan overlay. We do not make an overlay for the Sony Vegas 5.0, we only have the ones listed on the website.

If you would like to order any of the other overlays, the cost is $10 for the product and $10 for shipping/handling.

If you would like to order any other overlays, please send me an email with your credit card information (credit card #, expiration date and name on card) along with your ship to address (no post office boxes, please).

If you need any further information, please contact me at


pwppch wrote on 5/3/2004, 2:40 PM
These are documented in the online help with Vegas.

pwppch wrote on 5/3/2004, 2:41 PM
Correct. Mackie has not yet released the overlay - didn't I say that already?

We are working on getting it posted to the manual page. In the meantime, review the Vegas 5 on-line help. The functionality is decribed there.

plyall wrote on 5/3/2004, 4:37 PM
Could you post a higher resolution version of the template? I tried to blow up the one in the Vegas help file but it is very blurry (basic resolution is 374 x 377)?

pwppch wrote on 5/4/2004, 12:09 AM
If you read my previous post, yes, that is the plan, We are arranging to post the pdf file in our manuals page as soon as possible.

SonyKevin wrote on 7/27/2004, 9:28 AM
The full-size overlay is here:

There's also a link to the overlay in the second paragraph of the "Using a Mackie Control" help topic.
