(OT) I need a DVD burning program that can "burn" to DLT

Sticky Fingaz wrote on 5/11/2004, 4:49 PM
I talked to Discmakers today (if anyone can recommend a better/cheaper replication place than them let me know) and they said to have my dual layered DVD put out, I need to send them a DLT tape of the product, so no DVD-R's for me. DVD Architect cannot do this. Can anyone recommend one that can?


Sticky Fingaz wrote on 5/12/2004, 6:49 AM
richard-courtney wrote on 5/12/2004, 7:07 AM
I hate getting into a price war thread.....

How about cdtechnical.com for one. They also will take DVD-R or DLT.
Most replicators take DVD-R as the machine that makes the master
checks for CRC errors, etc. Some will take firewire removable drives but
charge a little more.

You mentioned dual layer. I have not seen anything done in DVDA being
dual layered but dual sided is possible.

One thing I like about this company is they will make runs down to 100 units
but is double the per unit cost of 250 or more. You can get plain billfold
mailers all the way up to traditional shrink wrap cases. (custom printed
mailers have a higher minimum order)
thrillcat wrote on 5/15/2004, 4:23 PM
Adobe Encore will allow dual layer dvd creation, as well as output to DLT.
AudioIvan wrote on 5/16/2004, 5:47 AM