V5 Surround bug

StevenBell wrote on 5/3/2004, 12:22 AM
I've dropped several tracks into Vegas 5 in order to play with the new features especially surround.

Tracks: Bass, kick, snare, OH L, OH R, T1, T2, Floor, Ac Gtr & Vocal
Buses: Main Drum, Overheads, Bass, Guitar, vocal, Effects

At some point I started to notice that I had an overhead track's sound mixed in to the playback even though I had another track (like bass) solo'd.

In playing around with it further. I can't get the overheads or the snare to mute unless I mute the bus they are on *in addition* to the track (bass, vocal, etc) I have solo'd.

All buses are routed to surround master.

Basically, solo is not being respected. You have to mute all other buses or manually turn down other tracks in order to hear only the track soloed.

Steven Bell
Top of the Hill Music
delta 1010


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