Capturing Problem

EqueiLin wrote on 1/4/2004, 7:37 PM
I never had problems in capturing video from a mini DV tape of my Panosonic PV-D510 DV camera when I used Vegas 3.0. When I used Vegas 4.0d, I have problems. While no problems are seen during the capturing, the captured file becomes corrupted with slower speed. Once in a while it would capture successfully. I've just updated into Vegas 4.0e and the same situation happens. I use Window 2000. Please help!


rebel44 wrote on 1/5/2004, 5:29 AM
I have no idea what system you have and what the "with slower speed" means. I would recommend defrag HD. That is the most common reason for files to be corrupted. The othe thing- make shure your swap file are not on HD you capture to. If you have one HD-partition it. Swap file are known to couse problems durring capture.