Here's to the brilliant Vegas text generator

TorS wrote on 10/28/2003, 5:43 AM
Thought I might inspire some original use of the brilliant Vegas text generator by showing you this little beginning of a non-made film. Everything except the location footage is done with the TG; the gun, the binoculars, the cross-hair sight and - would you believe - even the text.
Right-click here. It's about 1.5 MB, wmv.


Tampa wrote on 10/28/2003, 6:00 AM
Cool! Nice touch!
Jay Gladwell wrote on 10/28/2003, 6:17 AM
Drat! I can't get it to play.


Okay, it's working now. Nice job, Tor.
DGrob wrote on 10/28/2003, 6:25 AM
Here I go again - back to beginner status for me! Very nice. DGrob
MisterPat wrote on 10/28/2003, 6:26 AM
Geez! How'd he do that? How come you shot the guy?
PeterWright wrote on 10/28/2003, 6:33 AM
Nice work Tors.
Tom Pauncz wrote on 10/28/2003, 7:21 AM
Nice work. Care to post the veggie? :-)
farss wrote on 10/28/2003, 7:32 AM
looks great, adds another twist to 'shooting' video.

i was inspired by a demo of Media 100 I was watching. I was able to reproduce exaclty the same thing in VV without having to spend serious money which pleased me no end. Pretty simple stuff really, just using panning and blur to create the illusion of text moving in 3D. I keep forgetting that in reality video is only 2D, the preception of depth is only an illusion and once you understand how the illusion works you can do quite a lot by combining the simple tools that VV provides.

But there is a cautionary note to all this. The amount of time it takes.I don't know if I was doing this for a living how it would pan out. I make a pont now of watching a lot of the fancy graphics on TV to think about how I could get VV to do it. Apart from the obvious very high end tricks there's not much you cannot do with VV but unlike the big boys toys it's not just a few mouse clicks or a button push and a few tweaks with a slider.

It's very easy to assume that as your tools are low cost that you can vastly undecut what the big boys charge. Sure their price includes the write down on the gear which yours doesn't but they'll be able to do it n a fraction of the time and while the client watches.

This isn't a criticsim of VV in any way. The thing that made me really aware of this were a couple running iMovie. They put together some stuff with it for a corporate client that took ages given the limitations of iMovie (again not a crticism of it) and then landed a few very big jobs with the same client which they thought they'd make a killing on. Needless to say months later they're still at it, don't really know how they are paying the rent, no finish no pay!

Sorry to rave on, just seen too many guys with more talent than me get badly burnt. I'll admit I've made the same mistakes myself, at least I can afford to.
BillyBoy wrote on 10/28/2003, 8:36 AM
Nice effect Tor!
defucius wrote on 10/28/2003, 9:14 AM
I can't play it either. How did you fix it? I have wm 9.0
RichMacDonald wrote on 10/28/2003, 9:18 AM
Beautiful. The only thing I'd recommend has nothing to do with the fx: For the footage where the guy jumps, the camera operator pulled back too quickly. (I tend to do that too: "Whoa! There he goes; I've got to make sure I get it all in.":-) I'd eliminate that by zooming back in with Vegas to keep a more constant focal length. Also, when he is free falling and the text overlay appears, he momentarily disappears behind one word then reappears in the next. I'd work the pan to keep his body visible at all times.

I'd definitely like to see how you did it all with the TG.
Frenchy wrote on 10/28/2003, 9:24 AM
Very nice (and inspiring) Tor - thanks for sharing

I also want to know why you shot the guy...


Jay Gladwell wrote on 10/28/2003, 9:29 AM
My problem was I wasn't paying attention--didn't read the link. <blush> It says, "RIGHT CLICK" and I was simply clicking on it. It has to be downloaded to be viewed.

It works with Windows Media Player 9 just fine!
defucius wrote on 10/28/2003, 9:36 AM
hmmm, I did right click in IE. And the file downloaded was currupted. Had to switch to mozilla to download a good copy. Thanks.
busterkeaton wrote on 10/28/2003, 10:41 AM
Nice! What is the gun? Is one of them holding a gun? If so, easy to miss.

I love the scope effect.
TorS wrote on 10/28/2003, 1:56 PM
The guy had it coming to him. He was badmouthing the Vegas text generator.

Create a text event on the track above a video track. Choose a bold font. Go to Effects and select outline. choose a colour for the outline. Set zero feather and 0.001 width. Go to properties and pull the text colour down to full transparency. You'll now have a nice outlined transparent text over your video.
I used keyframes to change the background into black and then another colour. Then I had what you saw: video through outlined text.
You could put PIPs in here, and have different pieces of video seen through different letters.

I think farss' point is: "yes all right, but think of the time it takes". I don't argue with that - mainly because I never used anything else - but for this particular effect, I don't see how you can do it faster anywhere. You can save it as a preset, so you only have to click once and then write the words.

The camera operator (not me) was standing on the edge with a 1.000 metre fall in front of him. I forgive him for not leaning out to catch the parachutes open.

(Actually I'm rather proud of the shot sound. I got a regular rifle shot from and tweaked it in Vegas to get that mountanious rumbling echo. )
kentwolf wrote on 10/28/2003, 3:36 PM
It's stuf like that that makes you realize, "you've got a lot to learn..."

Question: With what did you make the scope?

Looks great!
TorS wrote on 10/28/2003, 3:47 PM
What's a scope?
If you mean the cross-hair sight, it's a symbol from a font called Wingdings. Added like a regular letter and moved about with pan/crop.
kentwolf wrote on 10/28/2003, 3:57 PM
>>...If you mean the cross-hair sight,...

That's it.

I always forget about wingdings.

busterkeaton wrote on 10/28/2003, 3:58 PM
A sight on a gun is also called a telescopic sight or scope for short.

TorS wrote on 10/29/2003, 1:29 AM
OK. Thanks. I always thought Bushnell was something you drink.
Wingdings has it, as does probably several other dingbat fonts. By the way, the binoculars came from Wingdings, too. It's a pair of solid round shapes, made to overlap by adjusting the Tracking under Text properties.
If you wanted a closed scope you could use one of those round forms on another track. Make the background black and - if you wanted that nightshot touch - the foreground greenish.