
Clyde200 wrote on 4/22/2002, 8:10 PM
Got mine today. Its real nice !
InformationSponge wrote on 4/22/2002, 8:21 PM
I ordered one a few minutes ago. Is it really spiral bound?
Clyde200 wrote on 4/23/2002, 4:10 AM
Yes. Quite large too... makes for easy page turning.
craftech wrote on 4/23/2002, 9:17 AM
I actually printed mine from the pdf file. I did it over a four day period so the ink didn't boil inside the cartridges.

Mike M. wrote on 4/25/2002, 12:01 AM
Well you can also take the pdf file to any copy center and they will print it out and bind it for $30 in an hour.
Stiffler wrote on 4/25/2002, 2:15 AM
Mixer440...Might just be easier to order the spiral bound one from SF. Plus the users asked for it, and we got it!
tserface wrote on 4/25/2002, 1:50 PM
I just got mine in the UPS last night and it looks really good. It has nice cover and back art, and the spiral binding makes it easy to keep open on the desk. I like it.

Tanjy wrote on 4/25/2002, 11:48 PM
Just what is so cool about printed manuals? Isn't this something you always got when you purchased a legitimate copy of software?

I think it's ridiculous for customers to shell out hundreds of $$$ for a product and then have to shell out even more to get hard copy instructions on how to use it... and be grateful no less.

Equally ridiculous are the huge fancy boxes that the software comes in (if you go the box route that is). I could see if they contained nicely bound manuals, but all you're getting is a thin little CD and maybe an equally thin quickstart guide... sitting on a velvet pillow of complicated packaging to make you think you're getting something more.

Sorry to sound like a grouch.

Arks wrote on 4/25/2002, 11:50 PM
took a .pdf file to Office Depot...$25 later, I got a nice spiraled manual! =)
Arks wrote on 4/25/2002, 11:53 PM
welcome to the world of "marketing"

its done everywhere on pretty much every consumer item =)

take a bag of chips for example.. each bag is probably 50-60% air, but it looks like your getting alot to eat, but you arent =) hehe.. jsut being the devils advocate, sorry.